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DNA testing is reliable and readily available. Moreover, there are a number of DNA tests that can be done to meet the diverse needs of people seeking to do a DNA test. If you are thinking about doing a DNA test, you may naturally wish to read up a bit on the matter. You can find answers to your many questions in our knowledge database. Here you will find an array of information about anything from Paternity DNA tests to Relationship DNA tests and the use of forensic DNA samples in DNA testing. We have also drawn up useful articles about what takes place during a DNA test and how you will need to take your DNA samples with a home-kit.


DNA Testing Articles

My Free DNA Kit for My Paternity Test

DNA Profiling 101

The benefits of Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing

Have a Question That Can’t Be Answered? Try DNA Testing

The Genetic Compatibility Test

Old Wives' Tales to Find out Baby Gender

DNA Testing and Disease Prediction

Studies reveal how crucial genetic testing is for children with ASD

Baby gender prediction with the Chinese Calendar

Adoption Circles Benefit from DNA Tests

5 Ways Genetic Testing is Changing the World

Cabbage Test to Know The Baby Gender

Proof of Maternity with a DNA test

Signs of childhood trauma can be inherited and passed on

Depression - Is it genetic or hereditary?

How much does a dna test cost?

History of Forensic DNA analysis

Sperm Market in Danger of Shortage and DNA Testing

Stool DNA Testing for Colorectal Cancer

Investigating your Ancestry and Family History

Genetic analysis: Will I develop Alzheimer’s?

Christmas is round the corner – Need ideas for the perfect gift?

Dog DNA testing: Pure breeds, Mongrels and Paternity

Buccal Swab Collection Procedure

Chimera Twins: DNA test shows mum genetically unrelated to children

DNA Fitness test can be the key to design an ideal work out for an individual?

Back To Basics with Genealogy

Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Testing For Down Syndrome

Discrete Paternity Test

Benefits Of Using A Home DNA Paternity Testing Kit

Cat DNA Testing: Getting to Know More About your Pet

How to Lose Weight in 1 Week - Drop Pounds Quickly

Changing Name on Birth Certificate – A Paternity DNA Test

Characteristics That Make-Up The DNA

The Prenatal Test: Solving the Question of Paternity

Could Medications Impact Your DNA Results?

Clinical and Health Articles

How to Lose Weight in 1 Week - Drop Pounds Quickly

4 Things You Might Not Know About Obesity (But Should)

Everything you want to know about
milk intolerance

How Genetic Testing Can Help Diagnose AADC Deficiency

Take better care of your skin using these 5 important tips

Signs of an unhealthy gut

Low blood sugar levels at birth can be linked to infantile epilepsy

Sisters’ ovarian cancer all caused by a genetic mutation

How to improve gut health

Why Our Bodies Need Bacteria
to Function

Is there a connection between brain and face shape?

The Importance Of Micronutrients

The Science Behind Your Sugar Cravings

How the Keto Diet Affects
Your Cholesterol Levels

A Comprehensive Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease

When a Person Has Two Sets of DNA: 3 Ways You Can Become a Chimera

Nature vs. Nurture: Which Plays the Bigger Role in Health?

7 Reasons On Why You Should Use CBD Oil

Genetics Can Determine a Person’s COVID-19 Risk

1 in 8 Cancer Patients Have Inherited Gene Mutations

Alzheimer’s: The Full Story

Are allergies acquired in the womb?

You can suddenly become lactose intolerant as an adult -- here’s why

Can A Single Gene Reduce Our
Cholesterol Levels?

Could you be lactose intolerant? Here’s how to know for sure

The Link Between OCD and Genetics

Workout And Food: Good Or Bad?

New possibilities for celiac disease treatment

Do genes determine lifespan?

Why Vitamin D is Important To Your Health

The Genetics of Skin Care

Can genetic testing prevent childhood obesity?

Your Body’s Deadliest Enemies V.S. Your Defense System

The genetics behind sudden heart attacks among young, healthy women

Is There a Link Between Migraine and Insomnia?

Why Does Your Weight Loss Routine Not Work

The risks of taking personalized vitamins

Genetic Methylation Test: Discover Your Nutritional Deficiencies

Experts Deny Claims that Covid-19 Vaccine Could Alter DNA

Can a High Level of Cholesterol
be Inherited?

Decoding Your Bio Age: The Science Behind DNA Methylation Age Tests

This new method of studying DNA might help us understand COVID-19 better

The Healthiest Diet According to Science

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: The Power of DNA Methylation Testing

Experts finally identify the link between aging and “junk” DNA

Can’t resist daytime napping? Blame your genes

DNA Testing in the News

Tory MP Campaigning to Have Innocent People Off DNA Database

Scientists Isolate So-Called “Zombie” Gene

Duchess of Cambridge: Will she have a Baby Boy or Baby Girl?

Decoding King Richard III: Scientists to Sequence Remains

easyDNA is now on Facebook

Khloe Kardashian's Paternity Doubts

Michael Jackson Body Guard takes a Paternity Test

Forensic DNA Testing on the Presumed Bones of Richard III

EasyDNA invited to Malaysian talk show Selamat Pagi Malaysia to discuss its Diet and Nutrition DNA test

Prince Albert of Monaco undergoes Paternity Test

One Direction and the Paternity DNA Test rumours

DNA testing: Case of Dominique Strauss Kahn

Court Ruled in Favor of a Korean Adoptee

Corpse of Osama Bin Laden To Undergo DNA Testing

Long-Lost Sisters Reunited Through DNA Testing

Defense request independent review arguing DNA forensic evidence contamination

Anonymous Donors Fund Cold Case Infants’ DNA Testing

Boy or girl irrelevant since Reeves is not the father

New study reveals surprising amount of Neanderthal DNA in modern African populations

Actor Jude Law does Paternity Test

The Connection Between Genetics and Suicide

Private Detectives Attempt To Get DNA Sample From Pedophile To Aid Madeleine McCann Case

DNA Analysis Reveals a Woman’s 600 Half-Siblings

Investigators Hoping For New Forensic DNA Evidence In Madeleine McCann Case

Adopted Sisters Reunited After 30 Years Through a DNA Test

DNA Evidence Found On Victims Clothes

DNA Testing Solves Teen’s Decades-Old Murder

Man Arrested Following DNA Profile Testing For Murder After 25-Year Investigation

A DNA Paternity Test Clears 13-year old Alfie Patten of Fatherhood