Adaptations in DNA testing have resulted in more people, organizations, and agencies turning to DNA tests to assist in a number of issues. Data can now be compiled, tested, and analyzed in a variety of circumstances to answer the questions or solve the problems at hand. Everything from paternity testing to infidelity tests is now available by utilizing DNA.

There are many possible scenarios involving DNA testing but some of the most common uses are listed below:

  • Progression of Life Records – Archeologists have determined that using DNA tests can provide information for keeping a record of genetic codes and progression of life.  Often times these records may date as far back as several centuries. This DNA database which has been compiled as a result of this testing is now used for reference and in order to make comparison. Evolution and genetic mutation has now been proven through the profiling of DNA organisms. In addition, many questions regarding the origins of particular species have now been answered.
  • Finding Lost Relatives – It is a more common than most people realize to be unable to locate specific relatives in a number of families. By testing and analyzing a particular person’s DNA, it can be determined whether or not that particular person is a relative of a particular family. This testing has resulted in a number of families being reunited and a number of relationships that were thought hopeless, renewed.
  • Paternity Tests – The DNA paternity test is one of the most common and most known about uses for DNA tests. This has proven to be the most accurate and definitive way to determine a child’s true paternity. Sometimes these tests are needed simply for peace of mind on the part of one alleged parent, and other times, the child themselves desire to know the truth and has sought the answers that paternity testing can provide. And as paternity testing has gained in popularity, it has become even more commonplace for grandparents or siblings to use such testing to fill in gaps in family history or to solve questions in specific legal cases.
  • Criminal Investigations – Everyone has watched DNA testing on their favorite CSI type television show so this is one of the most widely used methods. Advances in the DNA laboratories capabilities have assisted police in storing DNA profiles which contribute greatly when DNA needs to be compared in repeat offenders for other unresolved crimes.  DNA has also provided a means for those innocent persons who were wrongly charged with crimes to finally prove their innocence.  Many persons have been released from correctional institutions since the vast improvements in this type of testing have developed.
  • Genealogy – Family trees are now something many families are dedicated to completing in order to leave their family’s legacy to generations to come.  The DNA test can play an effective role in searching for genetic ancestors. The analysis of the Y chromosome found in males can assist many families in following ancestral lines from generation to generation. Click here for more info on ancestry testing.
  • Genetic Diseases – Again, the utilization of DNA can provide invaluable information regarding one’s potential for contracting a genetic disease.  For instance, it is now know by the medical profession that many diseases such as prostrate cancer carry a high likelihood of being passed down from generation to generation.  DNA testing can assist the prospective recipient of the potential disease in offering earlier detection, thus prolonging life and possible cures.
  • Prenatal DNA Testing – By testing the mother’s unborn baby, doctors can often determine whether the unborn fetus will have any specific health problems. This assists prospective parents in making educated decisions regarding the unborn child.
  • Life from Another Planet – The DNA analysis is even now being used to determine if life in other galaxies really does exist. Unidentified articles from space, as well as new species, are now being tested to make these determinations.

New possibilities for DNA testing are being considered and evaluated daily by experts in the testing laboratories. Scientific data is compiled and analyzed regularly to determine in what ways DNA might continue to provide answers to questions that until now have never been able to be answered.  The real extent of the marvels of this simple test have still to be recognized.