About Fertility DNA testing

Female fertility is largely determined by reproductive aging, which is strongly dictated by genetics (our DNA). Hundreds of DNA variants have been identified that affect the female reproductive lifespan – a time-period when natural conception is possible.

Although menopause is usually considered the endpoint of female fertility, fertility starts to decrease 10-20 years before actual menopause, causing difficulties with conception and in more extreme cases also age-related infertility.

The average age at menopause is 50-51 years. One woman in twenty experiences early menopause (before the age of 45). One woman in 100 suffers from premature menopause (before the age of 40).

Early and premature menopause are also associated with an increased risk for age-related infertility.

By analysing your genetic profile through our Fertility DNA test, we can assess your genetic risk for early menopause, which also reflects your genetic fertility potential and risk of age-related infertility. Book your test today for only £169.

Who is the Fertility DNA Test for?

While the Fertility DNA test is recommended for women of any age the following are some of the most important applications of the test:

  • Women under the age of late thirties which is when the decline in fertility commences due to age.
  • Women with fertility issues and planning for infertility treatment.
  • Women planning for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or oocyte freezing.

As a family planning tool especially considering the trend towards having a family at a more advanced maternal age.

The results of the test

The fertility DNA test result will provide a High, Medium or Low risk score for early menopause and age-related infertility.

The genetic risk assessment is based on the DNA extracted from your swab and does not consider your lifestyle and health status. The test result will be available within 15 working days from the receipt of samples at the laboratory.

Based on the risk estimation, the test results will also include personalised recommendations for reproductive options, such as:

  • Ways to enhance natural fertility.
  • Additional testing and medical examinations that can assist further investigation.
  • Options for assisted reproduction like IVF.
  • Egg freezing and fertility preservation recommendations.



Sample collection for fertility DNA testing

The test can be performed using standard DNA oral swabs. We provide all that is required in the home kit you will be sent following your purchase. Please follow swabbing instructions carefully and make sure to fill in the consent form correctly before sending back the samples. Fertility DNA results are ready in 15 working days following the receipt of samples at the laboratory.

Additional Health related DNA tests

There is so much more to discover through Health DNA testing! Are you more interested in reaching your health and fitness potential? The Health and Fitness DNA kit is designed to tune your lifestyle with your genes in the areas of personalised nutrition, sports, rejuvenation, health and much more. Or alternatively find out what you are intolerant to with our Intolerance Sensitivity Test or the Vegetarian Food Intolerance Test. Check the different Health DNA testing services we offer.



Your menopausal age is not determined by only your genetics. Known risk factors for early menopause include smoking and female relatives with early menopause. Several other factors and disorders, such as sexually transmitted diseases, gynaecological conditions endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, and systemic conditions like diabetes and thyroid disorders, can also decrease your fertility. This is not a diagnostic test. The test assesses your risk based on the currently available scientific knowledge. Our company and the laboratory cannot be held responsible for decisions and actions done based on the results of this test. For additional information consult with your gynaecologist or with collaborating clinics.

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