Allegedly having tried raping a New York chamber maid at a hotel, IMF Chief Dominique Strauss Kahn, will be facing trial but not before DNA testing is carried out to support the case against him. Further tests were carried out on scratches and other marks on the body of Strauss Kahn.

The trial is to take place in Manhattan Criminal Court, to which the 62 year old man was escorted by Police forces wearing handcuffs. The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, of which Struass Kahn was chief has now been plunged into further complications due to this issue- a highly untimely situation as the IMF is already dealing with the chronic euro crisis and trying to ward off a double dip depression which would throw the euro further into the pits.

Further to this, a contestant for the next French presidency, Struass Kahn, a clear favorite amongst the people, has now left a void in French politics at this critical moment; this will take its toll and its effects are yet to be seen.

The victim of the rape at the New York hotel has not been named. But Struass Kahn was arrested on his first class seat on an Air France flight due for Paris. A police lineup followed and the victim was asked to identify her assailant. Strauss Kahn does not have diplomatic immunity that covers him to this extent. If he is found guilty, he could face a prison sentence for up to 25 years.

DNA tests are being used as a means of determining whether the alleged rape took place. The room in which Strauss Kahn was guest, the bathroom and the bed where all searched by forensic experts for DNA evidence that could support the case of rape against Strauss Khan. DNA testing will also be carried out on some scratches found on the Strauss Khan’s body.