The leading UK pharmacy chain Boots has launched its paternity test much to the delight or worry of many. The paternity test kit without the actual testing is available from the pharmacy is available at just £30. Before stocking up the test, the test was available in some small pharmacies here and there but Boots is the first high street pharmacy to begin selling it.

The kit is called AssureDNA. Having this kit enables you to collect your DNA samples. Inside the kit you find the necessary sterile mouth swabs so that you can collect your samples. Once you collect your samples you need to send the swabs for the laboratory analysis. You will need to pay the additional cost for this genetic analysis- the cost is of £130 for a total cost of £169.

The results are normally sent by post, email or telephone. The turnaround time for your results with the AssureDNA kit is stated as 5 working days. Should you be in a hurry and want your results as quickly as possible it is also possible to opt for a rapid testing service so as not to have to wait five working days for the results; for this 24-hour service, there a cost of £329.

The launch of these tests has raised issues regarding the fact that these tests have now become even more readily available to the population in general. Others worry that clients may not take the necessary advise in advance of purchasing the kit – as one would normally do before aquiring the kit directly from the company / online retailer.

What about an online paternity analysis?

Nowadays many companies like easyDNA offer their DNA testing services online. These companies send out a kit to collect samples which then need to be returned to the lab for paternity analysis. The advantages of these tests are that they do not require you to leave your own house. Over and above, you can order the test at any time of the day or night and on any day of the week. This means you can hasten things if you wish to get your results quickly. You will also have more flexible methods of payment, such as bank transfers and Paypal payments for added convenience.

With online DNA testing you can get a consultation for the DNA test before even ordering or deciding on anything. They will be more than happy to assist you and perhaps even suggest better alternatives to the one you had in mind thus ensuring you are purchasing the right test/product.

Paternity testing is currently offered at Boots. Likely, other high street pharmacies will soon be selling it.