DNA testing will be used to confirm whether the bones found are really those of infamous King Richard the III following what is believed to be the discovery of his bones. Remains of a Franciscan friary have been unearthed in the city of Leicester along with some bones presumed to be those of Richard the III, born in 1452 and who died in the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. 

Richard the Third Biosketch

Richard the III was a cold blooded and calculating villain. His claim to the throne was an uneasy one – he had not succeeded to it by virtue but rather by heinous plotting which resulted in the murder of several members of the royal family. Amongst his most despicable acts are the murders of Henry VII as well as the killings of his two young Nephews, Edward V and Richard. It was in fact, his nephew, Edward V who was next in line to the throne. Having his nephews alive meant living in uncertainty and the impending possibility of his rule being overturned and the rightful king, Edward V reinstated. By plotting their murder he eliminated any such risks. He died at the age of 33 fighting the forces of Henry Tudor at the battle of Bosworth field, the last battle of the wars of the Roses.

DNA Testing: Evidence for King Richard

The remains of the relatively young king have been found under a Leicester car park. The bones found are strongly suspected to be those of Richard the third but DNA testing and forensic analysis on the osseous matter will be required to confirm their identity.

How will DNA testing prove those are the bones of Richard the Third?

Relationship DNA testing has been used countless times to solve cases of unidentified remains. What happens in such cases is that forensic experts compare the DNA profile extracted from the remains to the genetic profiles of alleged relatives to confirm whether there is a match. In the case of the young King, his DNA profile will be compared to that of a known living descendent – in this case, a 17th century descendent of the monarch’s sister. Matching profiles will confirm the remains are those of the young king.