A range of cat DNA tests are available at very competitive prices. Importantly, these DNA tests are immensely useful to cat lovers and cat breeders alike. This is one of many different animal DNA tests now available and covering a wide range of animals.

Feline testing for hereditary diseases

One of the tests available is feline inherited diseases screening. This test will identify the cats that are carriers of certain disease-causing genes. The cats carrying these genes will be excluded from the gene pool by not being mated with other cats so as to work towards having a healthy, strong breed of cats that are free of conditions such as PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). PKD is common amongst Persians and leads to the formation of cysts on the ovaries. The disease could lead to kidney failure and consequently death. Read more about PKD DNA testing for cats.

Cat parentage verification test

Managing mating patterns becomes far easier and more effective with feline DNA testing. It makes it also possible to do a parentage verification test. This means that should you not be sure about which cat sired a litter of kittens, a DNA test can accurately help you locate the cat that is the biological father of the litter. This means being able to provide a genetically guaranteed pedigree. It can often be done when a female may have mated with multiple males while on heat or for breeders who did not witness the mating and there is the possibility of the queen being pregnant from more than one male.

How to collect feline DNA for the test

Cat owners can actually collect the DNA themselves with a home test kit. Inside the kit provided by the DNA testing company, they will find oral swabs. The owner of the cat needs to hold the cat’s head firmly and quickly rub it inside the cat’s mouth to collect cheek cells. This procedure is painless and can be done on a cat of any age- the procedure will not in any way stress the animal. Just like in DNA testing on humans to establish parentage, if the potential biological toms of a litter of kittens are related, the test may be inconclusive and a different and more-in-depth testing method should be used in such cases.

It is important with all feline paternity tests to send in the mother’s DNA sample. Having the mother’s DNA sample will help scientists exclude her share of genetic inheritance and work solely with the share inherited by the father.

Cat DNA testing is accurate and effectively helping better diet management, breeding and mating patterns.