About this test

A grandparentage DNA test is used when grandparents have doubts about the parentage of their supposed grandchild. In such cases, grandparents invariably question whether they are truly their grandchild’s biological relatives. This type of DNA analysis is especially useful in cases of paternity doubts, where the alleged father is not available for testing. In such scenarios, the alleged father’s parents can be tested to determine whether they are the biological grandparents of the child in question. The price of the Grandparentage Test is £249.

Grandparentage testing options

Although possible to test a single grandparent, we always recommend testing both grandmother and grandfather. Due to the chance of inconclusive results when testing just a single grandparent, EasyDNA does not offer to test with just one grandparent.

Grandparents will have common DNA with their grandchild. Through their own child, grandparents will pass on their genes to their grandchild.

Testing both the grandparents in a duo grandparentage test allows a more complete reconstruction of the DNA profile of the missing, untested parent and thus, makes results more reliable and conclusive. The probability of confirming paternity is high in a grandparentage DNA test but not as absolute as a paternity DNA test. As in most of our DNA relationship tests, the mother’s DNA sample is recommended.

Important Notes

Test results are intended to provide a statistical likelihood that gives evidence to support the tested relationship in question. Providing additional parties to be tested (for example, a known parent’s sample) or performing direct relationship testing may provide additional evidence.

Note: We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a forensic sample for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.

Testing between grandfather and grandsons

In cases where the test participants are male (grandfather and grandson) and wish to establish whether they share the same paternal line, EasyDNA recommends a Y chromosome test. This test is also sometimes known as a Y-STR test (Y-short tandem repeat test). Read more Y chromosome testing information.