Laboratory Accreditation – What is it?

An accreditation is a certificate that is issued by an independent regulating body. This is to ensure there is no bias and that the certification bodies operate independently and objectively when deciding which genetic testing laboratories are to be awarded their certificate. Once a lab has this certificate, they may use it to their advantage as a proof of competency. Clients using an accredited DNA testing facility can really have their mind at rest that every operation being carried out within the testing facility follows very high standards.

In the field of relationship testing the main accreditation to look out for is the ISO 17025 certification. This is awarded to those facilities that display outstanding excellency in their methods and processes.

With EasyDNA you can rest assured that your samples will only be analysed by laboratories that are ISO 17025 accredited or similarly accredited for the type of testing being performed.


Parental DNA tests are very accurate. The results for DNA paternity testing are close to 100% accurate if the man tested is the biological father of the child or the children tested. In fact, in such cases, the probability of paternity is issued as 99.99%. No DNA test can offer a 100% accurate result as paternity testing is partly based on a statistical calculation. The probability expresses the chances that the man tested is the biological father of the child and no other male within a population.

If the man tested is not the biological father, he is “excluded” from the paternal relationship with a 100% probability. The entire statistical probability expressed in a paternity test result is based on what is called Bayes’ Theorem.

All our paternity tests begin with an assumption that there is a 50% chance that the alleged father tested is the biological father and a 50% chance that he is not. The analysis will confirm with utmost scientific accuracy whether or not he is in fact the father of the child.

Sample results

The results are put together in the simplest way giving our clients the indispensable information they need and the most important aspects of their test.

Our results will clearly show:

  • The details of all parties that have been analyzed
  • The table with the genetic profiles of each individual (showing all 21 genetic markers)
  • The probability of paternity
  • The interpretation of the results

Wish to view sample results? Visit this page.

In exceptional cases it may occur that the tested father is the true father yet still have one or even two exclusions (mismatched genetic markers) because of mutations in the father’s DNA. In most cases of one exclusion, the Probability of Paternity will still be above 99.9% although this cannot be guaranteed. Cases of two exclusions may be ambiguous and require further testing of additional genetic markers. Cases of three or more exclusions result will mean the tested father is “excluded” as being the father of the child. This results in a probability of exclusion of 100%.

Fathers closely related?

In cases where the alleged fathers are brothers, their genetic profiles will of course be quite similar or very similar. If you suspect that the alleged fathers might be brothers, we suggest you send the samples of both alleged fathers.

For more general information about our accredited DNA testing please visit our frequently asked questions section or contact us directly.