It is clearly a very personal choice: carrying out DNA analysis to know you genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s. Since there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s people are indeed worried of knowing whether they stand a high chance of developing the illness.

So why carry out a DNA test for Dimentia?

You might not want to know you have a high predisposition to developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, you will find reassurance in the opposite- in knowing you have no predisposition or an extremely low predisposition of developing the illness. If you have had a close relative with Alzheimer’s,. a parent, brother or sister, than you may stand a chance as high as 50% of developing the  illness.

With some illnesses knowing your genetic likelihood of developing the illness can help you take certain life style and dietary habits under your control so as to hinder the illness from developing in the first place; this is clear with diseases such as lung cancer or diabetes. If a genetic health test shows you have a high predisposition to these illnesses you might take certain measure to stop the illness developing. For example, if you are a smoker you would immediately stop smoking.  With diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia there is nothing you can do once you know you have a predisposition to the illness; and even if you have no predisposition, it does not mean you will not develop it.

Some other risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease

  • Being female
  • Long standing high blood pressure
  • Having a combination of genes and proteins which are characteristic of Alzheimer’s

The condition affects many areas of memory function such as language, memory and cognitive skills. As it progresses, it leads to loss of motor skills, with patients being unable to move or swallow.

Genetic testing for Alzheimer’s disease is still feared and ignored by many for the reasons discussed above. Doing this test is a very personal choice.