Stool DNA testing signifies a new boundary that has been over come in the field of cancer screening; specifically the screening of colon cancer. Some authorities have endorsed and championed the test, whilst others have still kept at arm’s length from it.
The colon is the last part of the digestive system. It is the largest part of large intestine (thus, referred to as the large intestine) and is responsible for water and salt absorption. The small intestine is the part of the intestine that is responsible for nutrient absorption. The stool DNA analysis concerns itself with the colon and the detection of the multitude of cancers that can develop thereof.
Genetic health tests for colorectal cancer can help you determine the likleihood of developing the disease. Tou might want to also consider doing this test, especially if you have a history of the condition in the family.
As stools pass through our digestive system, the naturally shed cells are collecting along the way and then passed out of our body with excrements. The same would apply for pre-cancerous polyps and tumors which would also shed their cells. A sample from stools can lead to the detection of cancers because cancer cells present in the stool will show certain anomalies in their genetic markers.
The variety of colon cancers is considerable and thus, it becomes imperative to ensure testing multiple markers so as not to miss anything and provide the most accurate detection rate. Stool DNA analysis requires very high-tech laboratory testing because sometimes the DNA markers that indicate cancer might only be present in trace quantities.
Stool DNA testing: Advantages
Stool DNA testing for colon cancer has the following advantages:
An extremely high detection rate in excess of 88%
Detection of all types of cancers
Cancers of the colon can still be detected irrespective of its location
The test does not mean that colonoscopies will be phased out, but rather the stool DNA test will be an alternative for those patients that are unable to have the colonoscopy for health reasons or perhaps because they are simply fearful of colonoscopies.
Stool DNA testing is a non-invasive approach and will help decrease the deaths from colon cancer and increase the number of people who get screened. If you are interested in finding out what genetic diseases you are predisposed to then click here