Chain of Custody” refers to the chain of procedures carried out to ensure the identity of the DNA samples being tested. These samples have to be controlled throughout the entire process to ensure that they cannot be tampered with or mixed up with other samples. The first step is for somebody, often a qualified physician, to be appointed to establish the identity of the individuals to be tested and then to take the DNA samples. Identity documents are signed and travel with the samples. The third party is responsible to send the samples to the appointed laboratory which is usually accredited to ISO 17025 quality standard. The samples have to be logged and documented through each stage of the testing procedure.

If all of the steps are done correctly, the laboratory can provide a notarized result that will stand up in court as evidence since the chain of custody will be validated. It is important to select this test if you require the test for legal purposes.

View our Legal DNA Test section for more information and this type of testing and its various uses. Also find out the difference between the home and legal tests offered by easyDNA.