The term mutation refers to an abnormality in the DNA structure. A genetic mutation is permanent and happens when there is an alteration of the sequence of amino acids happens on the DNA strands.  The abnormality can be caused by several factors amongst which radiation and cell division; some viruses can also cause DNA mutation.

A genetic mutation is permanent and happens when there is an alteration of the sequence of amino acids happens on the DNA strands. Mutations are not all harmful; some are beneficial and are responsible for our survival and adaption to changing environmental conditions. Mutation can affect the validity of a DNA paternity test since its presence will result in non matching alleles between father and child. When there is such a mutation, it is recommended that the mother’s samples be collected too for the DNA test.

In the absence of the mother then extended testing can be performed which means testing on more loci will be undertaken. However mutations are relatively rare and do not influence results in most cases.

To find out more interesting information about the DNA testing world click here.