Laboratory Accreditation

Our partner laboratory has an ISO 17025 accreditation which is an accreditation designated for laboratories performing relationship DNA testing. ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, awards this accreditation only to laboratories that are periodically monitored and that take part in proficiency testing schemes. Obtaining and maintaining an ISO accreditation means that the laboratory has to meet and adhere to strict standards and is regularly audited. We pride ourselves in providing DNA testing through accredited laboratories that translates into a quality service for our clients.

DNA testing – our promise

EasyDNA is one of the foremost and most innovative DNA testing service providers on the globe, operating through a network of 25 global offices and agents. As a company, we are able to offer you the most accurate and reliable DNA tests thanks to the advanced testing capabilities of the laboratories that handle and analyze your samples. We specialize in providing paternity DNA testing, DNA profiling and genetic identification tests, in order to address the wide variety of needs of our clients. The lab uses polymerase chain reaction for most of our DNA tests as well as STR testing (short tandem repeat testing).

What does accreditation mean for our clients?

Accreditation means that your results are guaranteed to be scientifically sound because the laboratories in which they are processed will have performed the testing in line with the necessary standards.  An ISO accreditation as this ensures that our clients will receive results that are accurate, reliable and conducive to peace of mind. It guarantees the accuracy of our DNA tests.

How accurate is DNA testing?

All the DNA testing we offer is performed on 21 loci or genetic markers in order to ensure that we provide genetic testing of the highest level of accuracy possible. For example, we are able to provide results for a paternity test that will establish with a 100% accuracy that the alleged father is not the biological father of the child, and a probability in excess of 99.99% that the alleged father is the biological father of the child.

We have drawn up a comprehensive section which will give you further insight into understanding your results where we have provided a detailed explanation in order to help you understand the DNA report.

We guarantee efficiency and reliability

Through our experience within the field of DNA testing we are able to guarantee that our clients will receive the highest quality service. We are backed by a well trained customer service department that are there to help you with any queries you may have and that will guide you through the complete testing process. This is in order to provide you with the best quality services along with the most competitive prices on the market.

For more general information about our accredited paternity testing, visit our frequently asked questions.

Further reading

Nowadays, the only way to fully know whether an alleged father is the biological dad of a child is by DNA testing. In the past, other methods, such as using blood groups, where often used but today these are not used any longer. We recommend that you visit our article about blood typing and paternity testing .