Our Story and Mission

EasyDNA works with local authorities on paternity confirmation and social cases. We’ve witnessed situations where individuals genuinely needing DNA tests lack the resources. The Helping Hand Fund was created to address this gap, ensuring positive outcomes for all parties involved.

Discounted Testing for Social Cases

Fulfilling our social responsibility, we offer significantly discounted DNA tests for qualifying situations. These include:


  • Financial hardship that prevents individuals or organisations from affording the test.
  • Situations where the well-being of those involved can demonstrably improved by the results.

How to Apply for the Helping Hand Fund?

The Helping Hand Fund assists those in need of DNA testing, particularly with limited finances. This guide outlines the application process for both individuals and social organisations.

Who Can Apply?


  • Social Organisations: Councils, charities, immigration advisers, and citizen advice bureaus can directly apply or recommend individuals.
  • Individuals: You can apply directly, demonstrating financial need and the impact of results. Your application would be supported if it is referenced by a social organisation.


Benefits like Income Support, Pension Credit, Employment Support Allowance, Job seeker’s Allowance, Universal Credit or Housing Benefit are commonly received by applicants.



  • The application form must be accurately completed, including all requested information.
  • Social organisations can submit applications on your behalf.
  • To verify your eligibility, additional information may be required.

The Selection

We carefully consider each application based on the provided information. The number of discounted tests is limited, and the level of support varies per case. Our decisions are final.

Next Step


  • We’ll contact the social organisation involved with your application update.
  • Upon approval, testing proceeds following our standard procedures.

Important Notes


  • The total number is limited, but social organisations can apply for multiple tests.
  • We reserve the right to close the program or limit availability.

We encourage you to apply if DNA testing can significantly improve your situation.

Terms and Conditions For Social Organisations:

By applying, you agree to the following:

  1. Understand the scope of the Fund and agree to apply only for cases deemed to be social cases based on professional opinion of the applicant’s personal situation.
  2. Submit a fully completed application form from the applicant for each application or completed by the social organisation on the applicant’s behalf.
  3. Please ensure that your application is accompanied by a signed and stamped supporting letter from your social worker, case worker, or lawyer before submission.
  4. They will abide by the terms and conditions that cover our standard testing procedures including, but not limited to, results outcome, consent and liability limitations.
  5. Agree to provide any additional information about the applicant should this be required.
  6. Agree to the payment terms (if relevant) required by the Company.
  7. Agree to inform the Company in the event of any change in the circumstances of the applicant at any stage of the process.
  8. Agree to provide, if requested, a quote or testimonial the company can utilise on its own marketing material in the event the client is content with the service provided and has no reservations about making a statement accordingly.
  9. Accept to promote the Helping Hand Fund to its clients or associated organisations by word of mouth or through any media such as notice boards, newsletters or websites where it deems appropriate.


To apply, send an email with the complete information to [email protected].