Tips to find the gender of the baby
Did you know that the sex of a baby get determined as soon as the conception happens? Yes, at that early stage the gender is determined. However, it is impossible for any scientific to know the sex at the early stage.
There are different ways to know the gender of your baby, some are more accurate and some are simple myths. Keep reading if you want to know them all!
How to know the gender of the baby during pregnancy at home
If you want to know the determine the sex of the baby, the most accurate way is via the Baby Gender Test
This highly scientific technique for DNA analysis provides highly accurate results in determining the baby gender early in pregnancy.
Essentially, what DNA analysts will do is look for male or female DNA, or rather, Y chromosome specific markers or X chromosome specific markers (Y chromosome markers indicate you are expecting a boy and X chromosome markers indicate you are expecting a girl).
Signs you are having a boy
There are myths that may predict if you are expecting a boy, those are:
- Morning sickness
- Acne in the skin
- Hair growth
- Food cravings
- Carrying low
- Heart rate below 140 beats per minute
Signs you are having a girl
There are myths that may predict if you are expecting a girl those are:
- Sever morning sickness
- Oily skin
- Sugar cravings
- Mood swings
- Carrying high
- Heart rate above 140 beats per minute
How to know the gender of the baby during pregnancy at home
There are many at home baby gender tests. If you type a search online the most common ones include
The Drano test: is carried out by mixing a maternal urine sample with Drano (A brand of drain cleaner). The colour change of the resulting solution indicates whether you are carrying a baby boy or baby girl.
The Cabbage test: involves placing finely chopped cabbage into boiling water, then straining the liquid from the cabbage and mixing an equal portion of the liquid with a portion of the expectant mother’s urine. The resulting colour changes indicate whether you are going to have a baby boy or baby girl.
As you have already guessed, these tests are not reliable and there is no scientific truth behind them.
How to know baby gender with ultrasound
Then ultrasonography monitor the pregnancy process and also determines the sex of your child.
However, the FDA does not recommend using ultrasounds specifically to find out baby gender.
When will you be able to find out the sex of your baby
Depending on the method chosen you will get to know the sex of the baby after a few weeks or after some months.
The Baby Gender Test can be done as early as 8 weeks post conception but with the ultrasound you will need to wait until week 21st, sometimes even longer depending on the position of the fetus.