Dog DNA Tests

We offer a variety of DNA testing services which can help dog owners to understand better and improve the lives of their canine friends.
Our Dog DNA tests can help you determine your dog’s breed, allergy causes, parentage, genetic predisposition to disease and much more.
Choose from the canine tests we offer.

Cat DNA Tests

We offer a variety of DNA testing services which can help cat owners to understand better and improve the lives of their kitten friends.
Our CatDNA tests can help you determine your cat’s diseases and much more. Choose from the canine tests we offer.

Horse DNA Tests

We a variety of highly scientific and accurate equine DNA tests which can help you learn much more than you already know about your horse and make better decisions backed by scientific data.
Choose the horse DNA test kit that meets your horse’s needs!

Bird DNA Tests

Avian DNA based sexing is the ultimate in testing for birds. Distinguishing male from female birds is notoriously difficult.
Unlike mammals, the physical characteristics which distinguish male and female birds are very subtle or altogether absent.
Bird DNA sexing can help breeders establish the gender of the birds with 100% accuracy.